Sergeant 🗡️
A page detailing the Sergeant role within Medieval Discord and their break-up command.
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A page detailing the Sergeant role within Medieval Discord and their break-up command.
Last updated
Sergeants are Junior Watch Officers. Basically, Guards that have proven themselves worthy of a commanding position. They have authority over the lesser ranks and are often tasked with showing the ropes to newer Watch members. Sergeants are usually stationed in densely populated zones specifically to break up brawls and process roughhousers due to their experience. Sergeants are easily distinguished from the ranks below them due to having gambesons and better equipment. In addition to this, they also have two blue stripes around their left bicep.
Weekly (Sunday) Paycheck: 15 coin
Rank-up Requirement: 150 xp
Rank-up Rewards: Round Shield, Gambeson
Used to terminate an instance of combat the mentioned @user is in. Both users participating in combat will be bound instantly.
Minimum Stamina: 50%
Raw Stamina Cost: 15
Base Reward: 3 xp
Reward Cooldown: 2h
Success chance:
(+)Strength: str
(+)Samina: stm
(+)Weapon equipped: 5
(-)Target's Strength: str
(-)Target's Stamina: stm
(-)Target's Weapon if equipped: -3
(+)Random dice: 0-3
Success Threshold:
<1 Fail: Lose 15% of MaxHP
>0 Success: Base Reward
Sergeants have more RP potential than the previous ranks as they are the first rank that is considered to be an officer of sorts. They may order the lower ranks around and help them learn the ways of the Watch. They are the first rank that most Bailiffs take seriously, as they usually disregard Guards and those below them. Sergeants are the first rank to be given the break-up
command, used to break up fights between citizens. It's better to break up a fight and then have someone tried for assault, rather than have one person die and the other one tried for murder. A vigilant Watch member will always try to break up as many fights as possible.