Innkeeper πŸ—οΈ

A page detailing the Innkeeper role within Medieval Discord and their hire/fire command.


The Innkeeper of Nan Nicole's is one of the most popular lowborn figures within the Capital. As the Tavern is the most visited one and is in the center of the Dunwill Complex, it boasts hundreds of patrons a day. The Innkeeper is chosen directly by the Dunwill House Head to run Nan Nicole's and make sure they are turning a profit each month. For this, they are paid generously and are given the ability/freedom to run the Tavern in any way they see fit. Since they are appointed, Innkeepers can be removed just as easily as they are chosen for the job. This position requires grit and integrity, an ambition to become better and more successful. However, the most important trait an innkeeper should have is loyalty to the Dunwills.

  • Weekly (Sunday) Paycheck: 700 coin



Tavern Category
r!hire <@user> <role>

<@user> - The mentioned discord user you want to hire. <role> - The role they will have once hired. Accepted options: inn hand , bard

The only way someone can become a Bard or an Inn Hand is by being hired by the Innkeeper.

There can only be a maximum of 5 Inn Hands and 5 Bards at a time.


Tavern Category
r!fire <@user>

<@user> - The mentioned discord user you want to fire. Used for firing a user you hired previously from their role.

In-depth guide:

Being chosen as an Innkeeper means the Creators expect you to be active and administrate a host of inn hands and bards to serve under you, making sure the Tavern category remains as active as possible. Not hiring any hands or bards will lead to your character losing the Innkeeper role. Therefore, despite having a weekly paycheck, your will still need to RP in the Tavern, and keep track of your Inn Hands, since whatever they do IC reflects negatively on you. Meaning if a problem arises within the Tavern, or involves your employees, it can lead to you getting arrested or fired. It's best to hire people you can trust or at least avoid those who you know you shouldn't trust.

Last updated