Thief 🀏

A page detailing the Thief role within Medieval Discord and their pickpocket command.


Thieves steal goods or property from others without their consent. They often target wealthy individuals or merchants, and use a variety of methods to steal, such as pickpocketing, breaking into homes or shops, or using distraction techniques. Thievery is generally considered a minor offense. Depending on the frequency of the offense, it can lead to harsher punishments. The best thieves prefer not to get caught. There are many individuals who turn to thievery out of desperation, poverty, or a lack of other opportunities for survival. Some just want to get rich quick and are willing to risk a lot to get there.


Pickpocket NPCs


pickpocket - Used to pickpocket NPCs in Rosewood (may be used by anyone)

  1. Base success chance for everyone when pickpocketing NPCs: 40%

  2. Base success chance for thieves when pickpocketing NPCs: 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 100% (increase with level)

  • Necessary tool: None

  • Minimum Stamina: 50%

    • Raw Stamina Cost: 10

  • XP Reward: 3

    • XP Reward Cooldown: 24h

    • XP Reward While on Cooldown: 30% chance at 1XP per pickpocket

Success chance for pickpocketing NPCs:

  • (+)Base Success Chance: bsc (different for thieves)

  • (+)Stamina: stm%

  • (+)Cloaked: 10%

  • (-)Fingerless Role: 5%, 10%, 20%

  • (-)Armor:

    • Gambeson, Chain Mail: 10%

    • Brigandine, Rosewoodian Plate: 25%

Success/Fail results:

  • Fail: You will lose 100 buckles

  • Success: 10-50 buckles

    • If your Character is a Thief, then they also gain: 5-10% chance to get Stolen Goods

Pickpocket PCs

r!pickpocket [@user]

pickpocket @user - Used to pickpocket other characters (may be used by anyone)

  1. Base success chance for everyone when pickpocketing other users: 20%

  2. Base success chance for thieves when pickpocketing other users: 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 100% (increase with level)

Success chance for pickpocketing other characters:

  • (+)Base Success Chance: bsc (different for thieves)

  • (+)Stamina: stm%

  • (+)Cloaked: 10%

  • (-)Target's Intelligence: int%

  • (-)Fingerless Role: 5%, 10%, 20%

  • (-)Armor:

    • Gambeson, Chain Mail: 10%

    • Brigandine, Rosewoodian Plate: 25%

Success/Fail results:

  • Fail: You will lose a finger and get the Fingerless role.

  • Success: 25% of Target's coin

Pickpocket PCs' Items (exclusive to Thieves)

r!pickpocket [@user] [item name]

pickpocket @user item name - Used to steal a specific item from another character's inventory (can be used by Thieves only)

  1. Base success chance: 20%, 30%, 50%, 70%, 80% (increase with level)

Success chance for pickpocketing an item:

  • (+)Base Success Chance: bsc

  • (+)Stamina: stm%

  • (+)Cloaked: 10%

  • (-)Target's Intelligence: int%

  • (-)Fingerless Role: 5%, 10%, 20%

  • (-)Armor:

    • Gambeson, Chain Mail: 10%

    • Brigandine, Rosewoodian Plate: 25%

Success: You get the item you chose and it is placed in your inventory.

Thieves have the ability to steal a specific item from another user's inventory by mentioning them and typing the full name of the item (with spaces). This variant of the pickpocket command is the hardest.

If the chosen item has durabilityand there are multiple instances of that item in the @user's inventory, then the exact item will be picked at random.

Failure: You will lose a finger and get the Fingerless role.

Failing this command will cost the Thief their fingers. Each time a Thief is caught using the pickpocket user command, they will be arrested by the Watch and taken to the #dungeons, where they will lose one finger. When the fourth attempt fails, a Thief does not lose a fourth finger, instead they are Outlawed and teleported to the #forest.

Having the Fingerless roles incurs a negative modifier when using any of the pickpocket variants: Fingerless [I]: -5% Fingerless [II]: -10% Fingerless [III]: -20%

If the item exists but isn't in the @user's inventory, the command fails!

If you make a typo while typing the name of the item, meaning, the item with that exact name doesn't exist in MD then the command is canceled, meaning, nothing happens.

Burglarizing (exclusive to Thieves)

#residential channels
r!burgle @user

Using the burgle command and its success are highly dependent on the Housing Level of the person whose home you're trying to burglarize. More expensive homes will be harder to break into, and eventually inaccessible to the common thief.

In order to be able to use the burgle command at all, you will need to know where someone lives. This information can be accessed by those within the Infamy route as part of their See command. Using the burgle command in the wrong channel won't cancel the command. This means you can still get arrested if you fail.

  • (+)Base success chance range (Security stat from Housing):

    • Decrepit: 0-50%

    • Base, Improved I: 0-30%

    • Improved II, Enhanced I: 0-15%

    • Enhanced II, Refined, Perfected: 0% (CANNOT BE BURGLARIZED)

  • (+)Stamina: stm%

  • (+)Cloaked: 10%

  • (-)Fingerless Role: 5%, 10%, 20%

  • (-)Armor:

    • Gambeson, Chain Mail: 10%

    • Brigandine, Rosewoodian Plate: 25%

Raw Stamina Cost: 10


If you successfully break into someone's home, you will have 60 seconds to take any and all items they have stored in their personal storage. You will get a menu and you will be able to choose from among those items and up to any amount until you hit EXIT or until you reach your weight limit. If your time runs out, your character will leave, but there's nothing stopping you from coming back and trying again.


Failing this command will initiate a coinflip for whether the Theif gets spotted trying to break in; meaning there is a 50% chance that the command fails and that the Theif gets away with it. Alternatively, the Thief will be spotted by the Watch and will be unable to evade them. They will be arrested and teleported to the #dungeons where they will await trial for Homebreaking.

You may attempt to burglarize someone's home even if they are there. It will not impact your chances of getting in and away! However, they will be alerted to your presence!

Relationship with the Market and other Users

Thieves make a living by lifting buckles off of unsuspecting NPCs and other Characters. The easiest command to use, with the least consequences, is pickpocket without the mention of any user. It will provide the Thief with 10-50 buckles per use, and has the highest success chance out of all of its variations. Additionally, it has a chance of providing the Thief with the "Stolen Goods" item, which can be sold on the Black Market. The punishment for failing this command is a fine of 100 buckles, applied immediately. Only mentioning another user means the coin balance of the user mentioned will be targeted, and if successful, will transfer 25% of it to your coin balance, without anyone noticing.

Burglary is notably more difficult, but if you've cased your target and you're sure you're going to make a profit, it is one of the easiest ways to acquire a large amount of money in a very short time.

Last updated