Gang Control

Each Residential District can be controlled by one or multiple gangs within Rosewood. Depending on the level of control a gang has in a district, they will gain certain perks within it, as well as the ability to extort its citizens for coin. In order to gain control points for their gang, a member of the infamy route must use the contest command.

#any residential channel
  • Necessary tool: Gang Insignia

    • Location: Inventory slot

  • Minimum Stamina: 50%

    • Raw Stamina Cost: 10

  • Control Points Gain: (1-5 Luck Roll) + (INT+STR)/2

  • Control Points Damage: 1/3 of Control Points Gain to random rival Gang

    • Command Cooldown: 4h

Using this command too often in the same district risks your character becoming Revealed.

Control Points

Perks Granted


Gang members may use r!extort in any of the residential channels, the contest command rewards users with 1-3 buckles every time it is used in this district.


Thieves gain 10% on their pickpocket chance.


A gang gains control of the district. If there are two gangs that have over 50 control points, the gang with the higher number will gain control. If they have the same number, control will be randomly assigned to one of them.


The Gang NPC is unlocked and can be spoken to.


All gang members get a combat bonus against Watch members in their district (+3 on their attack roll, and anyone who is not part of the gang can't use the RUN option in combat)


DOWNFALL Event triggers

If one Gang controls three Districts, meaning they have the most Control Points in them (with a minimum of 75) this will trigger the Gang Dominance Event. However, if one Gang takes control of 4 Districts, a Gang War will erupt.

While contest gives a Gang a certain amount of Control Points based on an STR/INT + Luck roll, there are also other ways to gain/lose Control Points.

  • When a Gang Member kills one of their Gang Members:Global -15 Point Loss

  • When members of the Watch use patrol:Local Point Loss

  • When Gang Members are arrested:Global -5 Point Loss

  • When a Gang Member is killed:Global -5 Point Loss

  • When Gang Members are executed through a trial:Global -10 Point Loss

  • When a Gang Member leaves the Gang:Global -5 Point Loss

  • When a crime is successfully committed in a residential area:Local +1 Point Gain

  • When a Gang member kills a rival Gang Member:Global +10 Point Gain

  • When a Gang Member kills a Watch member:Global +15 Point Gain

  • When a Gang Member kills a member of the Clergy:Global -5 Point Gain

  • When a Gang Member kills a noble: Global +25 Point Gain

  • Daily (08:00) Change:

    • If your gang holds 75+ control points: Local -5 Point Loss

    • If your gang holds 50-74 control points: Local -4 Point Loss

    • If your gang holds 25-49 control points: Local -3 Point Loss

    • If your gang holds 20-24 control points: No change

    • If your gang holds 10-19 control points: Local +3 Point Loss

    • If your gang holds 0-9 control points: Local +5 Point Loss

  • When r!extort is used: Local Point Loss

Global point loss/gain refers to losing/gaining control points in every District. Local point loss/gain refers to losing/gaining control points in a specific District.

#any residential channel
r!extort <amount of Control Points>

Used to coerce money from a gang-controlled District's PC and NPC population under the threat of violence. Extortion can fail which would result in your instant arrest (and teleportation to the dungeons). Using this command will drain your gang's control points equal to the amount you inserted in the command.

This command is a way for self-serving characters to benefit from the control their gang has in a specific part of Rosewood. Using it will weaken the gang and the district, but will empower you. Extort can have consequences for your character, so only use it if you're sure about it.

  • Minimum Amount of Control Points: 5

  • Minimum Stamina: 50%

    • Stamina Cost: 10

  • Coin Reward: (amount of Control Points) x max(INT,STR,CHR)

  • Coin Loss: 1/10 of the Coin Reward

  • Command Cooldown: 24h

Coin loss affects 'active' characters that live in the Burh where the command was used. Your gang's members are excluded from this coin loss.

Success chance:

  • (+)Strength: str

  • (-)District Control Points:

    • <50: 0

    • 50-74: -2

    • 75-89: -4

    • >=90: -6

  • (-)Amount of Control Points:

    • <10: 0

    • 10-24: -2

    • 25-49: -4

    • >=50: -6

  • (+)Random dice: 0-4

Success Threshold:

  • <1 Fail: Gets Arrested and teleported to the #dungeons

Maimed Gang Members can't use the extort command.

Gang Events


The Mayor and City Watch are aware of the Gangs and consciously allow them to exist as it benefits both parties. However, the Gangs are individually weaker than the Watch and can be easily wiped out if they become too powerful in a certain district. If a Gang reaches 100 Control Points within one District, it will trigger the Downfall Event for that Gang. This is a hard reset that will remove all of the Gang's Control Points in the Residential District where it happened but will grant +5 points to all other Districts.​

Gang War

When a Gang has assumed control of 4 Districts, it means they control a sizable portion of Rosewood. They aren't in full control of the territory but have spread their influence far. Basically, their control is spread too thin, causing a gang war to erupt within all of their territories. This event is so violent, that it completely shatters the power balance of all the gangs and forces a reset across every Residential District. The gang that caused the gang war will lose all of their Control Points, while the remaining gangs will have theirs halved. ​

Gang Dominance

If one Gang controls three Districts, meaning they have the most Control Points in them (with a minimum of 75), then the Gang Dominance event will trigger which will result in the entire Gang receiving a large weekly (Sunday) paycheck that comes from the Mayor's bank balance (60 buckles directly into their bank balance).

Gang events have their own execution messages once they fire and they will be displayed in the top channel of the category (the top burh of the District).

Last updated