Smuggler πŸš£β€β™‚οΈ

A page detailing the Smuggler role within Medieval Discord and their smuggle command.


Smugglers illegally transport goods, such as food, weapons, contraband, or luxury items, past the walls usually down the Seyne River. Smugglers often use hidden compartments in their vehicles or carry the goods on their person to avoid detection by authorities so they are not arrested or so they don't have to pay taxes on their imports. Thus they often operate in secret to avoid being caught. Smuggling is a risky and illegal activity, and smugglers face severe punishment if caught, including imprisonment, fines, or even execution. Despite the risks, smuggling is a lucrative trade, providing valuable goods to those who cannot afford to pay the high taxes and tariffs imposed by the ruling authorities or those who want to get their hands on things the city has made illegal.



Used to engage with Acer, the best smuggler in the Kingdom, who can give you what you need.

Dialogue options:

  1. Do you have any goods for me? (You will be given the option to choose some smuggled goods)

  2. What can you tell me about this river? (Acer will tell you some lore)

  3. Nevermind. Goodbye... (Ends the dialogue)

  • Necessary tool: None

    • Location: None

  • Minimum Stamina: 50%

    • Raw Stamina Cost: 10

  • XP Reward: 3

When selecting option number 1, you will be able to choose between five bundles of smuggled items that scale with your level (as you level up, you will unlock new bundles while still being able to purchase the older ones). These are your options:

Unlike most commands, the cooldown on the smugglecommand means you can only use it (successfully) once every 12hrs.

Relationship with the Market and other Users:

Smugglers are given a random assortment of goods that scale with their rank. Those goods can be both legal and illegal and can be sold on the Market, Black Market, and to other Characters. Depending on their experience, Smugglers will get goods of higher value. Selling them on the Black Market will have a chance of getting them arrested for selling contraband (1% chance every time an item is sold or bought from the black market).

Last updated